Embarking on a Photographic Journey

Stepping into the world of photography is an exciting endeavour that opens up a realm of creativity and visual storytelling.

As a beginner, choosing the right gear is a crucial first step on this journey and there are a number of tips and tricks I wish I knew before investing in a life through a lens. With so many options available, it's important to find equipment that strikes a balance between functionality, quality, and affordability. In this blog, i'll guide you through some of the best beginner photography gear to kick-start your photographic passion.

Camera Options for Beginners: DLSR vs Mirrorless

DSLR Cameras: Entry-level DSLRs like the Canon EOS Rebel series and Nikon D3500 offer excellent image quality, manual controls, and versatility. They're user-friendly and come with kit lenses that cover a range of focal lengths.

Mirrorless Cameras: Mirrorless cameras like the Sony Alpha a6000 and Fujifilm X-T200 are compact, lightweight, and technologically advanced. They offer interchangeable lenses and deliver high-quality images with features like real-time autofocus.

PRO TIP: Prioritise allocating funds towards upgrading your lenses rather than your camera body. My trusty Canon EOS 6D DSLR has consistently exceeded expectations. As for the future, i'm considering investing in a mirrorless body for my next upgrade.


Kit/Zoom Lenses: These are the lenses that often come bundled with entry-level cameras. They provide a versatile range of focal lengths, making them great for general photography. Zoom lenses provide variable focal lengths for versatile framing without needing to switch lenses. but are often limited in their functionality.

Prime Lenses: A prime lens has a fixed focal length (e.g., 50mm) and often offers a wider aperture, allowing for better low-light performance and beautiful background blur (bokeh). Prime lenses offer sharper images and better low-light performance.

PRO TIP: With various choices available, my personal favourite is the versatile 24-105mm lens, ideal for diverse settings and capable of capturing stunning bokeh backgrounds. Alternatively, the 50mm or 80mm lenses are also fantastic options to consider.


A tripod is essential for keeping your camera steady, especially in low light or when using slower shutter speeds. Look for a sturdy, lightweight tripod that's easy to carry around. Try and find something mid range. It's not crucial to spend a lot in this space unless you know you''ll be working specifically in a lot of low light environments, or in property/real estate photography for example where a tripod is crucial.

Camera Bag:

Invest in a camera bag that can accommodate your camera body, lenses, accessories, and even a laptop. Look for one with padded compartments for protection, you don't want your equipments getting damaged whilst you're travelling to a session.

Memory Cards and Extra Batteries:

Get a couple of high-capacity, fast memory cards to ensure you have enough space for your photos and can record video smoothly. Keep a spare in your bag at all times. I'll never forget the time I turned up to a session without a memory card or a spare one in my bag, thankfully I was close enough to home to drive back and grab it. It's also very handy to keep a charged back up battery in your bag.

Camera Strap:

A comfortable camera strap can make a significant difference, especially if you're carrying your camera around for extended periods, some of those camera bodies and lenses can be heavy.

External Flash:

An external flash can improve your indoor and low-light photography by providing better lighting control and reducing harsh shadows. Whilst i'd call myself a 'natural light photographer' i've found a flash to be a lifesaver in certain low light environments, particularly at events. Master your camera in manual mode first and invest in artificial light options a little later down the track of your photography journey.

Editing Software:

Whilst not physical gear, editing software like Adobe Lightroom can help enhance your photos and bring out their full potential. There's also Adobe Photoshop, but my preference is definitely Lightroom! Also research editing styles that you like, there's so many and I find myself adjusting my editing style a lot depending on the session i'm heading to and my clients editing preference. Look into investing in some good quality presets too, they can save you SO much time! I tend to use presets as a base and then make my own personal adjustments from there.

Learning Resources:

Invest in books, online courses, and tutorials to help you understand the basics of photography, from composition and lighting to camera settings. I've found there's a YouTube tutorial for everything these days so if there's something specific you're wanting info on, jump online and have a good old google search! BUT the best way to learn, is to do! Get that camera out as much as possible. One of my fave photography quotes by Ziad K. Abdelnour "...if things don't work out, just take another shot."

Networking, Basic Marketing and SEO:

I've always relied on 'word of mouth' which in this industry, I insist is THE BEST form of marketing you could ever ask for. But remember to keep networking and connecting with local businesses, clients, and other photographers. Ask for google reviews (even from free sessions) and offer an incentive for clients to leave you a review, like providing an extra image to their package for example, and ensure your website is SEO optimised. Social Media has been a BIG contributor to my growing business and clientele. Get in amongst community Facebook pages and add your business to various online business directories.

Remember, photography is about creativity, so while gear matters, it's not the only factor that defines your success.

As a beginner, focus on learning and honing your skills. Start with a camera that fits your budget and needs, and gradually expand your gear as your skills evolve. Photography is a journey, and the right gear will be your faithful companion along the way.

Now, get out there and make some time in your calendars for a fun, spontaneous session this weekend!